Welcome to Potto

1841 Census Return - Potto

The 1841 Census for England was taken on the night of 6th June 1841. All responses were to reflect the individual's status as of 6th June 1841 for all individuals who had spent the night in the house. People who were traveling or living abroad were enumerated at the location where they spent the night on census night.
Information in this database:

*The ages of people over 15 years old were usually rounded down to the nearest 5 years. For example, someone who was actually 24 years would have their age listed as 20, and someone who was actually 27 years old would have their age listed as 25.
**The "Where Born" column only asked two questions - 1) whether born in same county, and 2) whether born in Scotland, Ireland, or Foreign Parts. Possible answers and abbreviations to question #1 include: Yes (Y), No, (N), or Not Known (NK). For question #2, the following abbreviations were used: Scotland (S), Ireland (I), and Foreign Parts (F).

Potto Census

AddressNameMaleFemaleOccupationBorn in the County
George peacock 45GardenerYes
Thomasina Peacock 44Yes
Danny peacock 25Yes
Louisa Sleigh10No
Fagdale HallCharles Hall63FarmerYes
Charles Hall Jun20Yes
Mary Hall50Yes
Charles Nicholson17MSYes
Elizabeth Nicholson20FSYes
Beer HouseFrancis Bower50FarmerYes
Sarah Bower60Yes
William Rogers30Ag LabYes
Susannah Rogers40Yes
Potto CarrJohn Norman40Ag LabYes
Mary Norman30Yes
Thomas Norman1Yes
William Musgrave50Ag LabYes
Mary Musgrave50Yes
John Musgrave10Yes
Robert Goldsborough20MSYes
George Walker15MSNo
Jane Knaggs20FSNo
Potto CottageThomas Byers35FarmerYes
Tamer Byers35Yes
Francis Whitehead20PainterYes
Thomas Robinson65ShoemakerYes
Ann Robinson60Yes
Potto GrangeJames Wilson50IndependentYes
James Elliot21MSYes
Joseph Hunt20MSYes
Robert Armstrong15MSYes
Ann Thompson40FSYes
John Merrylees30UpholstererYes
Long Moor HouseJohn Moore30FarmerYes
Elizabeth Moore30Yes
Thomas Moore9Yes
George Moore5Yes
Maryanne Moore3Yes
John Moore Jun9mthsYes
Susanah Foggitt15FSYes
GoultonRobert Garbutt40FarmerYes
Mary Garbutt45Yes
James Morten15MSYes
Sarah Pearce15FSYes
Goulton GrangeDavid Alcoat65FarmerYes
David Alcoat20Yes
Jane Alcoat58Yes
Appleton Alcoat 15Yes
Jane Alcoat20Yes
John Alcoach15Yes
George Pickering15MSYes
Ann Harper15FSNo
Ann Sheddery65No
Goulton HolmeChristopher Garbutt55FarmerYes
Ann Garbutt44Yes
Mary Ann Garbutt3Yes
Christopher Garbutt1Yes
Michael Cundell47FarmerYes
Ann Cundell44Yes
James Cundell15Yes
Elizabeth Cundell16Yes
Michael Cundell13Yes
Martha Featherstone17FSYes
PottoRobert Armstrong60Ag LabYes
Margaret Armstrong35Yes
Robert Armstrong12Yes
Joseph Armstrong1Yes
Thomas Elizah70Ag LabYes
Elizabeth Elizah60No
George Elizah20Ag LabNo
Ann M Chambers10No
John Sanderson80Ag LabNo
John Morgan60Ag LabNo
Ann Pool85No
Matthew Pool48Yes
Robert Simpson71CollierYes
Elizabeth Simpson64Yes
William Hardy80Ag LabNo
Frances Hardy65Yes
Robert Preston30ShoemakerYes
Mary Preston30Yes
Joseph Preston10Yes
Elizabeth Preston6Yes
Hannah Preston4Yes
John Bulmer36CarpenterYes
Frances Bulmer30Yes
William Bulmer10Yes
Robinson Bulmer8Yes
Eliza Bulmer4Yes
John Bulmer1Yes
Ann Bulmer 1 MthYes
John Best 18ApprenticeYes
Dinah Harrison40Ag LabNo
William Mohun50FarmerYes
Susannah Mohun45Yes
William Hedley78Ag LabNo
Isabella Hedley65Yes
Mary Wood70Yes
Roger Nicholson 55CarrierYes
Margaret Nicholson26Yes
Robert Thompson92CartwrightYes
Sarah Thompson44Yes
Susannah Thompson20DressmakerYes
Thomas Lee82TailorYes
Isabella Lee85No
Jane Howse69Ag LabYes
George Howse40ArmyYes
Jacob Layton40Ag LabNo
John Charge65FarmerYes
Mary Charge50Yes
Mary Nicholson45Ag LabYes
William Nicholson20StonebreakerYes
Thomas Mudd45FarmerYes
Mary Mudd45Yes
John Mudd17Yes
Mary Mudd16Yes
Ann Mudd14Yes
Benjamin Eden50Linen MakerYes
Mary Eden40Yes
Benjamin Eden20Yes
Hannah Eden20Yes
Jane Eden12Yes
John Eden9 Yes
George Eden6Yes
Elizabeth Eden3Yes
William Pringle30BlacksmithYes
Elizabeth Pringle27Yes
Thomas Moore48FarmerYes
Ann Moore48Yes
William Moore19Yes
Stephen Simpson45ShoemakerYes
Mary Simpson30Yes
Sarah Simpson9Yes
John Simpson7Yes
Leonard Simpson4Yes
Harriett Simpson4 MthsYes
Robert Thompson55CartwrightYes
Jane Thompson49No
Elizabeth Thompson15Yes
Gent Thompson8Yes
Henry Bulmer60WeaverYes
Jane Bulmer65Yes
Nelson HouseRoger Nicholson 20Ag LabYes
Elizabeth Nicholson25Yes
Mary Nicholson1Yes
Mary Peacock35IndependentYes
Emma Peacock15Yes

YearLinkCompletion Status
18411841 Census Return for PottoCompleted
18511851 Census Return for PottoCompleted
18611861 Census Return for PottoCompleted
18711871 Census Return for PottoCompleted
18811881 Census Return for PottoCompleted
18911891 Census Return for PottoTranscription in progress
19011901 Census Return for PottoTo be transcribed
19111911 Census Return for PottoTo be transcribed