Welcome to Potto

Walks Around the Parish of Potto

A collection of walks around Potto using the extensive network of Public Footpaths that exist in and around the Parish. Each walk is explained on a leaflet that you can download and print for yourself. The leaflets have a map showing the route, details of the suitability of the route and photos taken at strategic points that are pinpointed on the map. The leaflets are in PDF format.

Description of the WalkApprox. DurationDownload Link
This short walk starts and ends from The Tomahawk Steakhouse10 Minutes Download
This long walk starts from the Tomahawk Steakhouse and finishes on the Village Green at Hutton Rudby. The walk is mainly through open countryside with splendid views of the Cleveland Hills1 Hour Download
This short walk starts from the Tomahawk Steakhouse and finishes further down the village in Cooper Lane. It takes in the old railway line and Potto Beck.20 minutes Download
This short walk starts and ends at the Noticeboard in the centre of the village. There are excellent views of the Cleveland Hills.15 Minutes Download
This short walk starts and ends at the Noticeboard in the centre of the village. There are excellent views of the Cleveland Hills.15 Minutes Download

Potto Parish Council - Public Rights of Way Audit 2016

Rights of Way Audit
Download a Copy of the Report (Size: 2Mb)

Footpaths and Bridleways of Potto Parish

Compiled by Mike Whitlock, ©Copyright 2016-2017


Above is a map showing all footpaths and bridleways that are within the Potto Parish boundary. The footpaths are identified by their code number assigned by North Yorkshire County Council. All paths within the Parish begin with the prefix 10.118. Continuations of the same path usually have sequential numbers e.g. 10.118/6/1, 10.118/6/2, and all form part of one footpath. The different sections are based on where they intersect other paths or roads. Footpaths are shown in purple on the maps and bridleways are shown in green. The red spots indicate the beginning and end of each section.
Below is a summary of all the footpaths and bridleways with their starting and ending points. Ordnance Survey 10 figure grid references are used to accurately pinpoint the path on a map. The paths on the map denote the path as shown on the North Yorkshire County Council website and may not be as accurate as the path shown on the Definitive Map held by the Council.

How to use the summary list
Footpath No. Click on the link under this column This will scroll down the page to the details for that footpath with a map showing the start and end points and if applicable, where the path continues to.
Type This will indicate whether the path has been defined as a Footpath or Bridleway.
Start At This shows the 10 figure Ordnance Survey grid reference to the start point of this section of the path. Clicking the link will open up a Google Map showing the location pinpointed with a green arrow. This should be accurate to 2 metres. The Google Map is best viewed in Satellite mode rather than Map mode so that the ground features can be seen.
Start Coordinates This gives the Latitude and Longitude coordinates for the Start Point
End At This shows the 10 figure Ordnance Survey grid reference to the end point of this section of the path. Clicking the link will open up a Google Map showing the location pinpointed with a green arrow. This should be accurate to 2 metres. The Google Map is best viewed in Satellite mode rather than Map mode so that the ground features can be seen.
End Coordinates This gives the Latitude and Longitude coordinates for the End Point
Length Gives the length of the path section in miles

Footpath No. Type Start At Start Coordinates End At End Coordinates Length
10.118/1/1 Footpath NZ 47747 04699 54.435449,-1.265389 NZ 47534 05355 54.44139,-1.26859 0.461 miles
10.118/2/1 Bridleway NZ 47850 04655 54.435068,-1.2638279 NZ 47931 05037 54.438494,-1.2625176 0.295 miles
10.118/3/1 Footpath NZ 47831 04656 54.435079,-1.2641206 NZ 47726 04440 54.433148,-1.2657739 0.166 miles
10.118/4/1 Footpath NZ 47621 03856 54.427910,-1.2674860 NZ 47718 03915 54.428431,-1.2659815 0.072 miles
10.118/4/2 Footpath NZ 47392 03752 54.426997,-1.2710320 NZ 47621 03856 54.427910,-1.2674860 0.154 miles
10.118/5/1 Bridleway NZ 47950 04510 54.433756,-1.2623098 NZ 47718 03915 54.428431,-1.2659815 0.481 miles
10.118/5/2 Bridleway NZ 47718 03915 54.428431,-1.2659815 NZ 47863 03475 54.424463,-1.2638175 0.199 miles
10.118/5/3 Bridleway NZ 47863 03475 54.424463,-1.2638175 NZ 48155 03099 54.421057,-1.2593784 0.408 miles
10.118/6/1 Footpath NZ 47621 03856 54.427910,-1.2674860 NZ 47722 03453 54.424279,-1.2659940 0.260 miles
10.118/6/2 Footpath NZ 47722 03453 54.424279,-1.2659940 NZ 47726 03410 54.423892,-1.2659393 0.062 miles
10.118/6/3 Footpath NZ 47726 03410 54.423892,-1.2659393 NZ 47815 02891 54.419220,-1.2646512 0.297 miles
10.118/7/1 Footpath NZ 47726 03410 54.423892,-1.2659393 NZ 47895 03353 54.423364,-1.2633440 0.119 miles
10.118/8/1 Footpath NZ 47722 03453 54.42479,-1.2659940 NZ 47863 03475 54.424463,-1.2638175 0.087 miles
10.118/8/2 Footpath NZ 47722 03453 54.42479,-1.2659940 NZ 47544 03413 54.423936,-1.2687436 0.150 miles
10.118/9/1 Footpath NZ 47478 03315 54.423062,-1.2697764 NZ 47328 03105 54.421188,-1.2721214 0.147 miles
10.118/9/2 Footpath NZ 47328 03105 54.421188,-1.2721214 NZ 47528 02795 54.418384,-1.2690890 0.227 miles
10.118/10/1 Footpath NZ 47186 03520 54.424931,-1.2742437 NZ 47224 03451 54.424307,-1.2736691 0.052 miles
10.118/10/2 Footpath NZ 47224 03451 54.424307,-1.2736691 NZ 47263 03372 54.423594,-1.2730806 0.051 miles
10.118/10/3 Footpath NZ 47263 03372 54.423594,-1.2730806 NZ 47328 03105 54.421188,-1.2721214 0.195 miles
10.118/11/1 Footpath NZ 47263 03372 54.423594,-1.2730806 NZ 46775 03110 54.421284,-1.2806423 0.344 miles
10.118/12/1 Footpath NZ 47452 03566 54.425320,-1.2701370 NZ 47224 03451 54.424307,-1.2736691 0.159 miles
10.118/13/1 Footpath NZ 46765 03110 54.421285,-1.2807964 NZ 46518 02573 54.416482,-1.2846867 0.376 miles
10.118/14/1 Footpath NZ 46765 03110 54.421285,-1.2807964 NZ 45263 02552 54.416408,-1.3040203 1.085 miles
10.118/15/1 Footpath NZ 45909 03340 54.423361,-1.294933 NZ 45728 03567 54.425484,-1.2967032 0.223 miles
10.118/16/1 Footpath NZ 47390 03733 54.426826,-1.2710659 NZ 47188 03529 54.425012,-1.2742115 0.235 miles
10.118/17/1 Footpath NZ 47869 03483 54.424535,-1.2637328 NZ 48521 03727 54.426666,-1.2536359 0.435 miles

10.118/1/1 Footpath

Starts at Goulton Lane (NZ 47747 04699)
Finishes at Potto Slack Footbridge (NZ 47534 05355) - Parish Boundary
Length 0.461 miles
Footpath continues as 10.72/2/1 to Hutton Rudby Sexhow Road.


10.118/2/1 Bridleway

Starts at Goulton Lane (NZ 47850 04655)
Finishes at Potto Beck (NZ 47931 05037) - Parish Boundary
Length 0.295 miles
Continues as 10.128/8/3 and 10.128/7/1 to Sexhow Park Farm
Also as 10.128/8/2 and to Sexhow Lane at Lady Cross Farm


10.118/3/1 Footpath

Starts at Goulton Lane (NZ 47831 04656)
Finishes at Bridleway 10.118/5/1 (NZ 47726 04440)
Length 0.166 miles
Continues East as Bridleway 10.118/5/1 to Goulton Lane or South as Bridleway 10.118/5/1 to Goulton Grange Farm.


10.118/4/1 Footpath

Starts at Potto Beck (NZ 47621 03856)
Finishes at Bridleway Junction (NZ 47718 03915)
Length 0.072 miles
Continues North as Bridleway 10.118/5/1 or South as Bridleway 10.118/5/2


10.118/4/2 Footpath

Starts at Cooper Lane opp. Dog and Gun Pub (NZ 47392 03752)
Finishes at Potto Beck (NZ 47621 03856)
Length 0.154 miles
Continues East as Footpath 10.118/4/1 or South as Footpath 10.118/6/1


10.118/5/1 Bridleway

Starts at Goulton Lane (NZ 47950 04510)
Finishes at Bridleway (NZ 47718 03915)
Length 0.481 miles
Continues South as Bridleway 10.118/5/2 to Brookside and West as Footpath 10.118/4/1 to Potto Beck.


10.118/5/2 Bridleway

Starts at Bridleway (NZ 47718 03915)
Finishes at Bridleway/Footpath junction (NZ 47863 03475)
Length 0.199 miles
Continues South as Bridleway 10.118/5/3 to Gold Hill Loop Road and West as Footpath 10.118/8/1 to Potto Beck and East as Footpath 10.118/17/1 to Faceby Manor (10.48/4/1 after the Parish Boundary)


10.118/5/3 Bridleway

Starts at Bridleway/Footpath junction (NZ 47863 03475)
Finishes at Gold Hill Loop Road (NZ 48155 03099)
Length 0.408 miles


10.118/6/1 Footpath

Starts at Potto Beck (NZ 47621 03856)
Finishes at Footpath junction (NZ 47722 03453)
Length 0.26 miles
Continues South as Footpath 10.118/6/2 to Gold Hill Loop Road, East as Footpath 10.118/8/1 to Bridleway and West as Footpath 10.118/8/2 to Cooper Lane.


10.118/6/2 Footpath

Starts at Footpath junction (NZ 47722 03453)
Finishes at Footpath junction (NZ 47726 03410)
Length 0.062 miles
Continues South as Footpath 10.118/6/3 to Gold Hill Loop Road and South-East as Footpath 10.118/7/1 to Bridleway to Gold Hill Loop Road.


10.118/6/3 Footpath

Starts at Footpath junction (NZ 47726 03410)
Finishes at Gold Hill Loop Road bridge (NZ 47815 02891)
Length 0.297 miles


10.118/7/1 Footpath

Starts at Footpath junction (NZ 47726 03410)
Finishes at Bridleway 10.118/5/3 (NZ 47895 03353)
Length 0.119 miles
Continues South-East as Bridleway 10.118/5/3 to Gold Hill Loop Road.


10.118/8/1 Footpath

Starts at Potto Beck Footpath junction (NZ 47722 03453)
Finishes at Bridleway / Footpath junction (NZ47863 03475)
Length 0.087 miles
Continues North as Bridleway 10.118/5/2 to Goulton Grange Farm, South as Bridleway 10.118/5/3 to Gold Hill Loop Road, East as Footpath 10.118/17/1 to Faceby Manor.


10.118/8/2 Footpath

Starts at Potto Beck Footpath junction (NZ 47722 03453)
Finishes at Cooper Lane (NZ47544 03413)
Length 0.150 miles
Continues North as Bridleway 10.118/5/2 to Goulton Grange Farm, South as Bridleway 10.118/5/3 to Gold Hill Loop Road, East as Footpath 10.118/17/1 to Faceby Manor.
Notice the deviation from the original green dotted line on the underlying OS map at the beginning of this section of the path.


10.118/9/1 Footpath

Starts at South end of Cooper Lane (NZ 47478 03315)
Finishes at Footpath junction (NZ47328 03105)
Length 0.147 miles
Continues South as Footpath 10.118/9/2 to Gold Hill Loop Road and North as Footpath 10.118/10/3 towards Butcher Lane.


10.118/9/2 Footpath

Starts at Footpath Junction (NZ47328 03105)
Finishes at Lane near Woodbine House, Gold Hill Loop Road (NZ47528 02795)
Length 0.227 miles


10.118/10/1 Footpath

Starts at Butcher Lane at Lane Cottage (NZ47186 03520)
Finishes at footpath junction (NZ47224 03451)
Length 0.052 miles
Continues South as Footpath 10.118/10/2.


10.118/10/2 Footpath

Starts at footpath junction (NZ47224 03451)
Finishes at footpath junction (NZ47263 03372)
Length 0.051 miles
Continues South as Footpath 10.118/10/3 to Gold Hill Loop Road and South-West as Footpath 10.118/11/1 to Black Horse Lane.


10.118/10/3 Footpath

Starts at footpath junction (NZ47263 03372)
Finishes at footpath junction (NZ47328 03105)
Length 0.195 miles
Continues South as Footpath 10.118/9/2 to Gold Hill Loop Road and North-East as Footpath 10.118/9/1 to southern end of Cooper Lane.


10.118/11/1 Footpath

Starts at footpath junction (NZ47263 03372)
Finishes at Black Horse Lane (NZ46775 03110)
Length 0.344 miles
Continues West as Footpath 10.118/14/1 towards Trenholme and South-West as Footpath 10.118/13/1 towards Ingleby Arncliffe.


10.118/12/1 Footpath

Starts at Cooper Lane (NZ47452 03566)
Finishes at footpath junction (NZ47224 03451)
Length 0.159 miles
Continues North as Footpath 10.118/10/1 to Butcher Lane and South as Footpath 10.118/10/2 towards Gold Hill Loop Road.


10.118/13/1 Footpath

Starts at Black Horse Lane (NZ46765 03110)
Finishes at Parish boundary near Thorn Hill (NZ46518 02573)
Length 0.376 miles
Continues South-West as Footpath 10.171/12/1 towards Ingleby Arncliffe


10.118/14/1 Footpath

Starts at Black Horse Lane (NZ46765 03110)
Finishes at Parish boundary near Trenholme Stell (NZ45365 02545)
Length 1.085 miles
Continues West as Footpath 10.171/6/1 towards Trenholme.


10.118/15/1 Footpath

Starts at Parsons Back Lane nr Keepers Cottage (NZ45909 03340)
Finishes at Parish boundary towards Thorn Farm (NZ45766 03637)
Length 0.223 miles
Continues North as Footpath 10.72/13/1 towards Trenholme Lane at Peter Hill Bridge.


10.118/16/1 Footpath

Starts at Lane to Village Hall (NZ47390 03733)
Finishes at Butcher Lane opposite Lane Cottage (NZ47188 03529)
Length 0.235 miles
Continues South as Footpath 10.118/10/1 towards Gold Hill Loop Road.


10.118/17/1 Footpath

Starts at Bridle Path/Footpath junction (NZ47869 03483)
Finishes at Parish Boundary near Faceby Grange (NZ48521 03727)
Length 0.435 miles
Continues East as Footpath 10.48/4/1 to Junction of Goulton Lane with the A172
